Kard API Reference

Welcome to Kard’s API documentation. This serves as a resource to help you launch and manage your card’s rewards program — all from enrolling your users into rewards, to sending transactions for further matching processing, to consuming live offers to build your app UX.

Kard’s API is now versioned, using a calendar versioning approach. Date version 2024-10-01 is the most recent major version. This version is being released incrementally, with key set of endpoints and features becoming accessible in stages.

The following components of the API have been released as a part of the 2024-10-01 release:

  • Incoming Transactions API: enables issuers to send transactions for further rewards processing.
  • Rewards APIs: enables issuers to consume live offers to build app UXs and reach users.
  • Notification Webhooks: enables issuers to receive notification for events related to their rewards program. Currently this supports the earned rewards webhooks for rewarded approved and settled transactions.

We recommend transitioning to this new version for all new integrations to take full advantage of the latest capabilities and improvements.

Please note that the remaining legacy endpoints and features will be released progressively. If endpoints that are not yet on the 2024-10-01 version need to be accessed, please use the legacy definitions found here.

The Kard API is RESTful, and uses standard HTTP request methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), response codes and errors (200, 400, 500) and authentication methods. Header request attributes are case-insensitive. The Kard API accepts and returns JSON-encoded bodies.

Note: As a standard, adding in new properties to JSON responses is not a breaking change. When building your integrations, we highly recommend implementations that can flexibly accept additional information as these definitions evolve.

If you are just getting started with the Kard API, we recommend checking out our Getting Started guide for standard implementation requirements and patterns. Note, this guide will use the most up to date API definitions. Incoming Transactions API, Rewards APIs and notifications webhooks will reference the 2024-10-01 version and the remaining APIs will reference the legacy definitions.

Kard API operational statuses and incidents can be found here.