Get Offers
Retrieve ALL national and local offer data regardless of whether a user is eligible to see them. This endpoint is a legacy endpoint and will no longer be maintained soon. Instead, use Get Eligible Offers to retrieve national merchant data and build your targeted offers UX experience. Local merchants and offers details can be found by calling the Get Eligible Locations endpoint with the includeLocal
query parameter.
Required scopes: rewards:read
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Query parameters
Page number [>= 0], (default = 0)
Maximum number of offers [1 - 200], (default = 200)
Source of merchant associated with offer
Category of merchant associated with offer. Please use URL Encode for non single word categories. (Food & Beverage should be Food%20%26%20Beverage)
Name of offer
Type of offer (whether it is run online or in-store)
Merchant ID in Kard’s system
True returns targeted offers, false returns targeted and non-targeted offers
Time in string format for offer startDate search (UTC)
Time in string format for offer startDate search (UTC)
Time in string format for offer expirationDate search (UTC)
Time in string format for offer expirationDate search (UTC)
Sort offer start dates chronologically (1 for ascending, -1 for descending)
Sort offer expiration dates chronologically (1 for ascending, -1 for descending)
Sort merchant names (1 for A-Z, -1 for Z-A)
Offer ID in Kard’s system
Category of merchant associated with offer
Type of commission on offer (% or a flat $)
Created date of offer in Kard’s system (UTC)
Expiration date of offer if applicable (UTC)
True if offer is valid only for specific locations, false if valid for all locations. Note, this field is usually false
True returns targeted offers, false returns targeted and non-targeted offers
Last modified date in Kard’s system (UTC)
Merchant associated with the offer
Name of offer
Type of offer (whether it is run online or in-store)
True if offer is redeemable only once, false if not
Source of merchant associated with offer
Beginning date of offer (UTC)
Terms and conditions on offer
Offer commission going to issuer and user summed up
Commission going to the issuer
Maximum Reward Amount, if available on offer
Maximum Transaction Amount allowed to redeem offer, if available on offer
Minimum Reward Amount, if available on offer
Minimum Transaction Amount required to redeem offer, if available on offer
Commission going to user