Get Locations
Retrieve ALL national and local geographic locations data regardless of whether a user is eligible to see them. This endpoint is a legacy endpoint and will no longer be maintained soon. Instead, use Get Eligible Locations to build your map-specific UX experiences.
Required scopes: rewards:read
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Query parameters
Page number [>= 0], (default = 0)
Maximum number of locations [1 - 200], (default = 200)
GoogleId from location
City of location; REQUIRES state query parameter
Zip Code of location; CANNOT provide State, City, Longitude, Latitude, or Radius query params when using zipCode
State of location; REQUIRES city field
Sort location names (1 for A-Z, -1 for Z-A)
Sort city names (1 for A-Z, -1 for Z-A)
Sort state names (1 for A-Z, -1 for Z-A)
Longitude to search locations from [-180 - 180], REQUIRES latitude field
Latitude to search locations from [-90 - 90], REQUIRES longitude field
Radius to search for locations in miles [1 - 50], (default = 10). REQUIRES longitude & latitude fields
Source of the merchant associated to the location
Category of merchant associated with location. Please use URL Encode for non single word categories. (Food & Beverage should be Food%20%26%20Beverage)
Name of location
Time in string format for location createdDate search start (UTC)
Time in string format for location createdDate search start (UTC)
Location ID in Kard’s system
Address of location
Category of merchant associated with location
Created date of location in Kard’s system (UTC)
Geo-coordinates of location
Last modified date of location in Kard’s system (UTC)
Type of offer associated to location, will always be in INSTORE
Merchant object associated with location
Merchant ID in Kard’s system associated to location
Name of the location
Offers associated to the location
Phone number for location
Source of the merchant associated to the location
GoogleId of location
Hours of operation for location