Get Locations by Merchant ID
Retrieve all locations associated to a specific Kard merchant ID.
Required scopes: rewards:read
Path parameters
The Kard merchant ID to query
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Query parameters
Page number [>= 0], (default = 0)
Maximum number of locations [1 - 200], (default = 200)
Location ID in Kard’s system
Merchant ID in Kard’s system associated to location
Name of the location
Type of offer associated to location, will always be in INSTORE
Address of location
Geo-coordinates of location
Phone number for location
Created date of location in Kard’s system (UTC)
Last modified date of location in Kard’s system (UTC)
Source of the merchant associated to the location
Category of merchant associated with location
Hours of operation for location
GoogleId of location