Create User Card
Call this endpoint to create a card that a specified user enrolled in rewards will use to make purchases and earn rewards.
Required scopes: user:write
Path parameters
Referring partner user ID from issuer that specifies user
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Referring partner user ID from issuer
List of User Cards Information to add
[Deprecated — please use “cards” field] User Card Information
Unique user ID of user in Kard’s system
Issuer name
Referring partner user ID of user from issuer
List of User Cards Information (this will include the newly added cards added).
Created date of user in Kard’s system (UTC)
Last modified date of user in Kard’s system (UTC)
Version of user in Kard’s system
Email of user if available
Username of user if available
First name of user if available
Last name of user if available
Zipcode of user if available
Partner unique user id, might be equal to referringPartnerUserId, if available
List of enrolled rewards