Update User
Call this endpoint to update the details on a specified user. If you would like to add a card to a specified user, please refer to the Create User Card endpoint.
Required scopes: user:update
Path parameters
Referring partner user ID from issuer that specifies user
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Referring partner user ID of user from issuer. Must be a unique identifier across users
Email of user
Username of user from issuer
First name of user
Last name of user
Zipcode of user
Partner unique user id, might be equal to referringPartnerUserId
An empty array will unenroll user from all programs. Note, please do not send AFFILIATE as this field has been deprecated.
Referring partner user ID of user from issuer. Must be a unique identifier across users
List of enrolled rewards
Email of user if available
First name of user if available
Last name of user if available
Zipcode of user if available
List of User Cards Information
Username of user from issuer if available